Monday, January 28, 2013

Social Psychology

The Ameri net evaluator system is undoubtedly one of the better(p) in the world . Through various efforts from umteen agencies and institutions , it has convicted many criminals and acquitted many innocent people . Also our umpire system employs a truly good technique wherein we can buoy indirectly contribute to the upbringing of legal expert to un /deserving citizens . wish many justice systems in the world , ours put into employ our fellowmen to exercise their right to a just proceeding . We bewilder employed various tactics such as selecting a handful of ordinary people to act as juries and the chronic witnesses . But behind the fool proof look of our justice system , it also has its sh be of controversies and tasks . With the advent of modern psychological science , its loopholes had been one-by-one questioned . Many psychologists studied the whole court proceedings in particular the behaviors of the witnesses as well as the tactics of the lawyers . ADDIN EN .CITE RhoadsKelton RhoadsDefinitions1997September 3 2007http /www .worki ngpsychology .com /definit .html (Rhoads , 1997Psychologists remove for a long tome studied the eyewitness behavior in court . The juries are the ones that determine who amongst the presented witnesses can be credible and they do they without revealing the reason for their concluding judgment . The whole court proceedings depend greatly on the accounts of the witness - they are the bedrock of the American justice system . There defy been many studies that were conducted to test the humane memory and the possible witness propensity to memorize foolish events and details that did not occur . In this study , they have found out that indeed , humans can sometimes remember the false images . Also , another constraint that witnesses have in a proceeding is that they are vulnerable to twinees . necessarily , witnesses have their personal biases against either a person or the event .
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In a study conducted by Tversky and fen , the have found out that possible witnesses head for the hills to be biased regarding a situation they liked they also tend to elaborate , exaggerate and consistent with their bias . Whereas there are also neutral participants that do little alterations of the story and made fewer errors in retelling the story . ADDIN EN .CITE EngelhardtLaura Engelhardt The Problem with witness Testimony a talk by Barbara Tversky , Professor of psychology and George Fisher , Professor of Law1999September 3 2007http /agora .sta nford .edu /sjls /Issue 20One /problem .htm (Engelhardt , 1999 ) These studies only means to say that no matter how tested a witness may look like , he /she still have errors about the truth and personal bias can is still unavoidableJuries now have a very heavy role when it comes to runnels . They have the right to convict or acquit a person . In a trial , after every side had been presented , it is now the role of the control panel to make a decision But , this is not an lenient task . It can oftentimes take hours to have the jury s verdict . It is their sole function to deliberate on a case because the judge only reads their decision...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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