Monday, January 28, 2013

Creating A Social Program

language The final project for HHS 345 is a 1 ,750- to 2 ,100-word project on a neighborly course that you execute . Pretend that An introduction and a clear thesis disputation A body with at least three pieces of bread and butter evidence and in-text citations A conclusion A reference listYour proposal should also include the following Problem to be addressedo What is the problemo What be the demographicso Why do you lack to address this problemo Timeline Analysiso What be the causes and consequenceso What are the ideologies and values , if anyo Who are the gainers and losers Policy Elementso Mission , goals , and objectiveso Benefits and serviceso Eligibility ruleso Service deliveryo What is the possibleness and specification (Create either an outline and /or a course of study design using the examples in Ch . 7 on pp . 142-144 of kindly Policy and Social Programs as a guide Financingo What pass on your budget be Staff , training , and salary Supplies and equipment spark off Rent or lease payment and utilities Benefits and services for architectural plan recipients How will you pay for the program How will you be accountable for funds Staffingo What types of employees will you look foro What are the rules for employees or social workers Evaluationo How will you evaluate success or failureInclude any other(a) in habitusation you think would be relevant to understanding and analyzing your program . Use centered headings (according to APA formatting ) so your categories are create . Use at least three reliable sources to remain firm your proposal The proposal is to develop a program to dish up prevent the education of HIV /AIDS in the fellowship . This social health program would not only guide the functioning of the healthcare sector but also rational health services , the government , religious organizations , private bodies family wellbeing organizations , etc .
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The main aim of the program is to help prevent the development of HIV /AIDS in the population belonging to the local community . As there is no treatment before long available to help treat the indisposition , and no vaccine manufactured , it is even the more difficult to control the overspread of the infirmity . Steps that should be performed to help prevent the disease include : -Educating and creating awareness in the community about the diseaseHaving management servicesIncluding HIV testingHaving mandatory testing for certain groups such as pregnant and breastfeeding women and healthcare workersProviding condoms to help prevent the spread of the disease (safe sexAdvanced help during the pregnancy period for womenIntroduction of pre-test and post-test counselingIntroduction of screening services in blood banksEducating the local barbers and government workersHIV infection is a viral infection that is caused by the human immunodeficiency computer virus . The HIV virus can cause AIDS , which is a serious form of HIV infection . The HIV virus attacks the immune brass of the body resulting in the development of infections and various malignancies in the...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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