Friday, January 25, 2013

Religion Influences Public Policy

Religion Influences in Public Policy and Peace MakingIn January 2005 , George W . Bush was sworn in as President of the linked States of America for the second time . For the ceremony , as he did in 2001 , Bush placed his hand on a Bible to take the inauguration oath and the ceremony was officiated by Bush s personal priest . As America s religious pluralism is enshrined in its constitution , in the First Amendment , we must regard ourselves whether religion can be allowed to influence open insurance in secular states . What character has religion had in human race insurance policy in the past , or should it have in the future Can there be any consensus in a pluralist society respecting the common good ? Can notions such(prenominal) as the dignity of the human person or equality of persons or human rights be articulated in such a government agency as to guide effectively our legislators , judges , and those charged with overseeing commonplace welfare ? What role should religion play in ascertain the content of these notions ? In shaping policies on economics gentility , scientific research , foreign policy , etc ? It is often say that ours is a secular society , but what exactly does that imply (1 )Probably the integrity most important issue about religion and frequent policy in the US today is the rise of the so called Christian Right Typically , the Christian right is twisty in fighting their give corner on ` honourable issues like gay rights , spontaneous abortion , medical research and family regime .
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They have a history of arguing against decisions by the US Supreme Court which widen the gap between church building and state , or restrict Christianity s influence in the public sphere (2 ) The Christian Right in America has similarly been characterised by a militancy against what they see as `liberalism on behalf of a large portion of their society , whether it is private individuals , the media or the governmentRecently , the Christian Right has become a key congregation in US politics , not least at last year s presidential alternative , where they swung the poll in favour of George Bush and his `moral stance on their issues of abortion and stem cell research Of all the issues that influenced how people spit their ballot , the number one category was not terrorist act , not taxes or the economy , but `moral issues (3 ) The role of the Christian Right in turning the election towards the republican Party cannot be ignored by any semipolitical , social or religious commentator as outright that George Bush is again in the White House , they may look for some kind of payback for their efforts at the election , their issues can only gain support from George Bush s own Christian faithThus , although religion is separated from the State in the US Constitution , it may now wind up macrocosm a tool for voter friendly public policy and vote winning in the United States . George Bush and the republican Party would be wise not to forget the Christian Right in forthcoming congressional elections if they do it will...If you necessity to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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