Thursday, January 24, 2013


In one of his earliest dialogues , Plato s The Apology provides an account of Socrates defense mechanism against unfounded charges involving crimes against the people of Athens , which included making premature right , lack of faith in Greek Gods , and corrupt the youth of Athens . Plato uses the case of Socrates to espouse his views on noesis and virtue , as well as the value of support and wisdom . Socrates is certainly wise in that he admits he does not know true knowledge , though he feels that he must die with the same conviction with which he lived , including adherence to the legality even though it means his lifespan Crito takes place after Socrates is condemned to death . Crito visits Socrates in his cell and tries to move the old philosopher to escape before the disapprobation is carried out . Crito , as a heeder of Socrates , feels compelled to try to rescue him , as he fears they will be viewed with contempt for failing to help . Socrates tells Crito that he is not concerned with the values of popular opinion , sort of only those of himself and his gods . Crito tries many inclinations to try to dissuade Socrates from going by means of with his sentence , but Socrates has a response for each argument . When Crito reminds Socrates that the charges and the examination were unfair , Socrates explains how he must still respect through with the sentence , as he is obligated to follow the word of the integrity .
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By escaping , Socrates would be disregarding the law , and believes that by correcting a wrong with another wrong is nil more than a complete contradiction of his convictionsSocrates asks Crito the value of golf club if people simply ignored the laws whenever they disagreed with them . Socrates did his best to persuade his control panel of his innocence , but since they concluded that he was guilty , he feels no other alternative but to follow the sentence . This obligation to the law overrules everything else , and Socrates submission to the obviously unjust trial is nothing more than a statement of his respect for the law , his strong refusal to sacrifice his values , and a protest against the f on the wholeibility of those who lot the law . Through his death he becomes the embodiment of civil obligation , philosophical reasoning , and spiritual wisdom for all that follows - Socrates...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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