Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Chemical Dependency

br INCIARDI , J . A MCELRATH , K . 2007THE AMERICAN medicate SCENE : AN ANTHOLOGY (5TH EDLOS ANGELES , CA : ROXBURY . ISBN 32469Reaction Pt . I Theoretical Perspectives on Drug Use and AddictionChapter 2 Some Considerations on the distemper Concept of Addiction Jennifer L . SyvertsenMy science background is the plectrum for this chapter to find out the reasons favoring the distemper concept for what has been known as colony . It has been known for a long time that dependence to drugs causes many symptoms influenced by biological , psychological and environmental factors . That addiction is a disease is only a fairly young understanding . This concept is gradually gaining strengthThis chapter leads from historical information on various terms used for excessive uncontrollable drug use and their characteristics and references to them (addiction vs abuse . In the late eighteenth ascorbic acid chronic intoxication (to alcohol only ) was referred to as a symptom of disease (alcoholism ) rather than disease itself .
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Pathological consequences and afflicted social behavior in an alcoholic was referred to as a disease by Magnus Huss (1849 ) requiring medical treatment . By the 19th century this concept got acceptedThe causal agent (drug , the host (the substance abuser ) and the environmental factors and their interplay are clearly described to the progression of habiliments into a disease . The complexity of the problem evades a unchangeable solution in a recovery resulting in relapses . achievement rates of addiction treatment are similar to those in other chronic illnesses . Spiritual factor in the disease requires different treatment methods with...If you want to get a plentiful essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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